Dynamo’s Education Centre

Dedicated to helping our community achieve their dreams both in and out of sport!

Director of the Education Centre: Jim Dowling, Ph.D.

I am a retired professor from McMaster University in Hamilton. My specialties are physics, mathematics, statistics, biology, anatomy, etc. I taught in the Faculty of Science to Life Science, Kinesiology, Engineering and other students. I was the director of the Biomechanics Lab but I am now retired from research and my focus is on teaching. I been awarded the Vanderbulit Award for Innovation in Higher Education and I am the inventor of the Dowling Smart Tutor.

I have three grown children and, like myself, they were all student athletes. Each was able to excel at both school and sports. They all missed some of their school hours in order to train and compete. My first experience as a parent of a student athlete was to ask the elementary school principal for permission for them to miss two or three half days each week. I was expecting a negative response such as “How are we supposed to educate your child if she is not here all the time?”. The actual response was the opposite. The principle stated that the best students are those who are organized with little idle time. High level sport teaches focus and responsibility. However, help is often needed for those motivated high achievers. We at Dynamo are excited to be able to help.

Sessions and Registation


The sessions will be on Saturdays from 4:00pm to 7:00pm. Each session will either be a small group or one-on-one (depending on demand).


The registration is open to everyone, including all Dynamo members (both competitive and recreational). First session is free! Subsequent sessions are $30 for Dynamo members/siblings and $60 for the general public. Any parent who wishes to enroll or find out more, please email:


Stressed about EQAO?

EQAO help for Grade 6 and Grade 9 students will be offered as well as general math help for all grades!